Essay about my profession. Teacher teacher dream profession is
.When we have a dream, I believe we will advance through to the purpose of life is to do everything manual determination. Only attempt to make us step into the finish line is elegant. So one day I will have a new mold of national
. The reason I wanted to be a teacher. However, in order to prove their ability, because people will always be a teacher. Not to be a teacher, but outside. But people who are teachers will need to wear the spirit of teachers in every breath. As a teacher. : The sacrifice Patience Vigor Payam Problem solving is a philosophy. Sincerity is the key element of similarities myself to be a good teacher. The teacher is considered to be a career challenge at the end of the ability of a human
.Professional teacher for me at this time, it is a rich professional career as an honor that is worthy of our honored delicate profession, the general public, because it is a profession of curing it, tiny seeds of the nation.
As long as the dreams that draw hope. Still can't find a space, make it appear more realistic. I simply will not be marketed towards. Because of this, it is one of my personal life to be as self-
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