from jean rhys in wide sargasso sea them why do you never come near me? she said. Or kiss me. or talk to me. why do you think i can bear it, what reason have you for treating me like that? Have you any reason?
from jean rhys in wide sargasso sea them why do you never come near me? she said. Or kiss me. or talk to me. why do you think i can bear it, what reason have you for treating me like that? Have you any reason?
from Wide Sargasso Sea Jean rhys in them Why do You never Come near ME? she said. Or kiss me. or talk to me. why do you think i can bear it, what reason have you for treating me like that? Have you any reason?
From Jean Rhys in Wide Sargasso Sea them why do you never come near me? She said. Or kiss me. Or talk to me. Why do you. Think I can bear it what reason, have you for treating me like that? Have you any reason?