Name of herb: lemon grassCommon name (English names): Lemon Grass, Lapine. Other names: khrai (North) (South), Kha Kai lookin Hom (bent-son), wrap Washington Ta Center (Karen-son) Lion's head (Khmer-prachinburi) lemon grass Curry (General) Cymbopogon citratus Stapf., scientific name: Poaceae (Gramineae), House name:The source root:Botanical path characteristics: * Beginning of the lemon grass is a plant, falling a bigger erection is about 1 m high, the appearance of the trunk is a solid cylinder cleaned out and articulate the wax is often covered with plant life for many years. * The lemon grass The difference a single reciter The image edges parallel at the end of the headland, and the skin is both hands, Barracuda. The central line, the hard edges of the feather will be small. There are about 2 cm wide, green 2-3 feet long. Anita lemon grass Thailand: medicine textbooks Fragrant lemon trees, wind-driven flavors pra reduce bloating stomach cure heartburn symptoms of inflation and tight sweat sickness driven kreng urinary tract. Resolve conflicting signs, light cure kidney stones cure appetite as blood urine. Reduce activity blood pressure cure appetite maintenance, wind-driven fire that fix kasai in intestinal bloating stomach cure inflation. Fix urination Fix urine disability Fix gallstone as occasional liver spots Fix flu drive a month driving leukorrhea External Ta solve pain swelling; Folk medicine textbooks, Nakhon Ratchasima: use both Boil until reduced by comes the boiling temperature for about 10 minutes, except for three nights of drinking glasses each half time. External treatment of skin by bathing with water and bring to boil. Herbal medicines authentic Lanna: relieves swelling in children Middle age people and old people without Pharmacopeia consists of grass and herbs on the other 13 types bring to boil bathing. Alternative aromatherapy essential oils from lemon grass keeps the House. There is life. Stress causes the revitalized Gas bloating stomach cure AIDS digestion helps grow food to relieve the pain of disease arthritis pain. Lemon grass is one of the most popular herbs, Thailand taken by cooking grass is divided into 6 types: citronella. Lemon grass cymbopogon Lemongrass source water Koh. Lemongrass and Lemongrass tail Naga lion tail, which is the most common plant in Thailand to ban us. Lavender is a herb to health benefits of Lemongrass and Lemongrass that much of the value of the. Lemongrass is commonly used medications and also have all the vitamins and minerals that are beneficial to the body, such as vitamin a, calcium, phosphorus, a chemical element. Iron, etc. 1. the company has helped to drive the sweat. 2. the beginning of the grass is growing, nourishing drugs. 3. lemon grass is commonly used as a nourishing drugs help to grow food. 4. the beginning of the company resolves symptoms appetite. 5. extract lemon grass helps to prevent disease colon reng Kameoka. 6. Lemongrass solve and relieve a cold. Cough 7. the live help heal fever Best drug fever is over. 8. essential oil of the lemon grass can relieve the pain. 9. the fresh lemon grass helps to cure high blood pressure. 10. the head of the company resolves symptoms kasai line. 11. lemon trees help keep asthma. 12. tight abdomen pain symptoms, help solve the root in front of the chest. 13. the roots used as a pain medication stomach and diarrhoea. 14. the head of the company, helping to maintain local gas bloating symptoms. Solve and relieve abdominal pain. 15. assist in driving the bile to help in digestion. 16. the essential oils from lemon grass has helped reduce the compression of the intestine. 17. หัวตะไคร้มีฤทธิ์ช่วยในการขับปัสสาวะ ช่วยแก้อาการปัสสาวะพิการ และรักษาโรคนิ่ว 18. หัวตะไคร้ช่วยแก้อาการขัดเบา 19. หัวตะไคร้ช่วยแก้ลมอัมพาต 20. หัวตะไคร้ใช้เป็นยารักษาเกลื้อน 21. น้ำมันหอมระเหยจากตะไคร้ สามารถช่วยต่อต้านเชื้อราบนผิวหนังได้เป็นอย่างดี 22. ต้นตะไคร้ช่วยดับกลิ่นคาวหรือกลิ่นคาวของปลาได้เป็นอย่างดี 23. ต้นตะไคร้ช่วยแก้ปัญหาผมแตกปลาย 24. ช่วยในการบำรุงและรักษาสายตา 25. ตะไคร้ช่วยระงับกลิ่นต่างๆ 26. กลิ่นหอมของตะไคร้สามารถช่วยไล่ยุง และกำจัดยุง และแมลงได้ 27. ต้นตะไคร้ช่วยแก้โรคหนองใน 28. ทั้งต้นตะไคร้ช่วยแก้อาการขาบวมน้ำLemon treesGrass head.Lemon grass alley The format and how to use lemon grass as a medicine. Lemon grass to cure symptoms of soft scrub. Use only fresh or dried grass stems and 1 handful fresh or dry-weighs 40-60 g 20-30 g boiled water should kill enough. Divide 1 cup of tea 3 times/per drink (Li 75 Mitsubishi liters) before meals or soft enough to slice the Lemongrass roasted with fire, yellow tea with boiling water. Keep the lid closed, 5-10 minutes to drink but water, 1 cup of tea at a time 3 times before food. Lemon grass with a gas-tight stomach bloating cure heartburn. Use only lemon grass and fresh stem weight 40-60 g 1 handful enough for 2 cups of water to boil to rupture a glass of boiling water to drink, but 5-10 minutes at a time 1/2 glass 3 times a day after meals. Vitamin c through Pharmacology Lemon grass or lemon grass Curry helps kill bacteria and fungi. Reduce blood pressure Reduction in heart rate Press and hold the central nervous pain Reduce the temperature of the body to stimulate the nervous system pathology earthworms to resist oxidation, wind-driven fat-muscle pain relief and pain from intestinal inflammation is killing insects.
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