The discrepancy means interaction with the characteristics of a non-hostile, or contrary or not conformity or consistency. Characteristics of disagreement or inconsistency will involve many issues, issues such as. The idea Feeling and attitude. Values, interests, relationships, etc. Characteristics of the conflict
Characteristics of the conflict could be displayed or has the following characteristics: individual or party is powerful at least 2 parties or persons 2 persons related to with some interaction:
.Each person, or each party has beliefs and values that each person or each Member of the party recognize and sees in faith and values.
.The interaction between each other, which is displayed as a behavior that represents a threat to reduce power to pressure opponents to win
.Each individual or each Department. Vis-à-vis each other or reactions in a way opposite to each other, or are hostile towards each other
individuals or individual parties would show the reaction causing the addition to the power plug at the other end one
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