1.1 Why do not offer to sell the stock capital increase by the original shareholders rights offering to the general public as well as the reasons for the need to increase bonds to individuals in a limited, and the benefits to be derived from the proposed capital increase shares sold to people in the industry co., Ltd. The Board has been considering ways to raise funds in various ways to recruit the appropriate method. Regardless of if it is allocated to the original shareholders or the general public. The company cannot estimate whether the company will receive a capital increase by the amount of the capital increase or not it offered for sale to the general public. Want to take the time to do quite a lot. For a capital increase, this time to be used as working capital of the company and its subsidiaries to expand business and investment in digital tv technology and its subsidiaries, including reserves in the company's business expansion in the future, including investment in the media business, and/or other business the company considers offering a Private Placement flexibility in terms of customizing the amount that you want to add has quite certainly. In the time available, and ensure better success. 1.2 the amount expected to be received and plans to use the money added by specifying the purpose of use clearly, as well as the amount and duration of the expected capital increase will be used for each purpose. Note that companies add costs to a person in the industry co., Ltd. The company is the main reason is to take money from a capital increase is used as working capital of the company and its subsidiary. Investment expansion of digital tv technology and its subsidiaries, including reserves in the company's business expansion in the future, including investment in the media business, and/or any other business that the company is considering an investment in each project carefully and take action according to the relevant regulations strictly. From a capital increase, with the person in a limited time. the company expects the company will get a capital increase of approximately 2000000 million. By the time frame are carried out as follows: 1.3 show the financial status of the company that result in funding from people in the industry co., Ltd. In both the financial aspects. Operating performance and liquidity by comparing information 2 years back and the latest cumulative period as follows: 1.3.1 Summary table financial statements and key financial ratios such as ratio debt to equity ratio, ability to pay interest gross profit margin net profit ratio, liquidity ratio and cash flow from operations, etc. 13.2 description of the financial Operating results and liquidity in order to demonstrate the need to increase funding to individuals in the industry co., Ltd.2. criteria for capital increase or allocate capital increase shares to people in industry co., Ltd. Criteria and methods of selection of a person for a restricted category, for example, investors look to business investors. The minimum limit is allocated with reasons and specify the name and location of the company's representative in the contact person in the band limits, as well as the relationship with the company.The company has defined criteria to allocate and qualifying investor is an investor must have a stable financial position and can be invested in the company in the medium term and the long term, including the must have knowledge and understanding. The business side of the Organization and be able to point to the channel business, with companies in the future. This is. In the allocation of capital increase shares will have to take into consideration the relevant regulations strictly.3. information about the adverse effects that might arise from a capital increase or allocate capital increase shares to people in industry co., Ltd. A. a person who has been allotted capital increase shares will have a role in the administration of the Committee. Or change the business or not. Coverage groups (ReqGroup) form. Lae original shareholder phaphon impact that may arise from a capital increase, a person in a restricted, such as the reduction of the proportion of shareholders (Control Dilution), the decline of prices (Price Dilution), the decline of profits (Earnings per Share (EPS) Dilution), etc.Such an investor is not a policy to change the company's business operations. Moreover, these investors are not taking part in any management administration.In cases where the company contributes capital increase shares of 8763067680 stock investors until both numbers will cause a decrease of the proportion of shareholders (Control Dilution) of original shareholders (excluding the W5) 41.79% of the rest (if you include the shareholding proportions W5 reduced 48.91%)3.2 allocation of capital increase shares, people co., Ltd. In effect, network access revenues to make a tender offer to buy the securities (Tender Offer) or not, and how pricing and duration that will be carried out in accordance with the criteria. Tender OfferThe company allocates shares to individuals in a restricted by such contributions are not made to the criteria that the person who received the contributions made Tender Offer.4. the Audit Committee's comments regarding the capital increase or allocate capital increase shares to people in industry co., Ltd. 4.1 reasonable efforts to allocate and limit people, reasonable prices, as well as appropriate, contributions or benefits received from an individual or a legal entity that has been allocated. ..............................................................................................................................................................4.2 distribution of shares by such means as to the best interests of shareholders, or is not, however, เงินที่ได้รับจากการเพิ่มทุนจะทำให้บริษัทจะมีฐานะทางการเงินที่มั่นคงขึ้นและสามารถขยายการดำเนินธุรกิจได้ครอบคลุมตามนโยบายของบริษัทได้มากขึ้น จะเป็นการลงทุนที่สามารถสร้างผลกำไรจากการดำเนินการและผู้ถือหุ้นจะได้รับประโยชน์ในรูปของเงินปันผลซึ่งจะส่งผลดีต่อมูลค่าหุ้นของบริษัทในอนาคต5. เงื่อนไขหรือข้อตกลงอื่นใดกับบุคคลที่ได้รับการจัดสรรหุ้นเพิ่มทุน เช่น ข้อตกลงเรื่องระยะเวลาที่จะไม่ขายหุ้น เป็นต้น...........................................................................................................................................................สาเหตุที่ไม่เสนอขายหุ้นเพิ่มทุน โดยให้สิทธิผู้ถือหุ้นเดิม หรือเสนอขายต่อประชาชนทั่วไป รวมทั้งเหตุผลความจำเป็นที่ต้องเสนอขายหุ้นเพิ่มทุนให้กับบุคคลในวงจำกัดและประโยชน์ที่จะได้รับจากการเสนอขายหุ้นเพิ่มทุนแก่บุคคลในวงจำกัด
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