Jakarta (Jakarta), or in the past, chue "potta via"
(Batavia) is the capital and largest city of tea
Indonesia Thailand 3 customers in the western coastal area
north of Java. There is basically one ' 650. Square kilometers
A population of 10 million people, is the center of the country's economy and Government
. There are international airports are Soekarno Hatta International Airport
big pier at Tanjung Priok is the country's ' religion ' by yours truly
is Islam. 85.2 per cent Christian, new body, rataet
.Tan 8.9 per cent Catholicism Hindu 3%
Buddhist 0.8 1.8 per cent cent cent per อื ' religion, 0.3 na
t ' language is used in Indonesia language
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..