In General, in the services shall not be found to serve a customer satisfaction due to everyone. There are some dissatisfied customer in customer service, which is the least amount of frustration and then write a complaint to see whether the majority of customers no longer claims that may occur from the complaint. There is no way to tell, there is no time, no interest, the company does not perform any modifications to persecute, to fear, to be different, he doesn't want to lose face, which is no longer whether these complaints are service of this company. If it is not necessary, therefore, that the complaint, the company has acquired even less, but that's really the voice of the customer (Voice Of Customer) a commitment to a company run by a company does not want to pay for research and if the child cannot perform principal place of.That the people are ready to write it off as well. To change the view of a large number of companies to set targets or indicators (KPI) of the company that the number of complaints decreased% is a serious mistake because of complaints it is information that is useful in the design of services, which target the company discount.Complaints, the company has no customer information update, as well as how many illegal employees will reduce complaints, such as reducing the number of channels received complaints not related to customer's complaints and others. Complaint is required of the company. The company wants all employees to settle a complaint. Thus, the targets or indicators (KPI) that should set the related claims that have made edits that add up to the actual benefit organizations.In the assessment of the national quality award (Thailand Quality Award), it was determined that the criteria contained in the relationship with the customer and the customer's satisfaction, such as the question whether the Organization has a process to manage customer complaints? The Organization, ensuring that those complaints have been resolved effectively. How do organizations in collecting and analyzing all complaints in order to improve the overall organization and the customer. We can apply this approach to enterprise applications.
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