The smelting of copper
smelting copper from ore. The first step is to extract the desired mineral from impurities or slag may be used to float. By grinding the ore is mixed with water. Oil and detergent in the tank mix. Then stir through the air and into the liquid in the tank at all times. To make foaming As a result, bubbles And adheres to the particles of mineral oil floating on top. The slag will sink to the bottom. When scoop the foam on top and dries out. It has a copper content of ore, an increase of about 15 percent water by mass, continue to burn in the air. This process, called mineral Ayrshire on the grill (II) sulfate partially oxidize the Ayrshire Ontario (II) oxide. Equation
2CuFeS2 (s) + 3O2 (g) → 2CuS (s) + 2FeO (s) + 2SO2 (g)
the Ayrshire eliminate Ontario (II) oxide out. The product has to be burned with oxide of silicon in the furnace temperature of about 1100 ° C Ayrshire Ontario (II) oxide reacts with oxides of silicon liquid sludge which has separated. The equation
FeO (s) + SiO2 (s) → FeSiO3 (l)
of Jacob Cooper (II) sulfide, when present at high temperatures to decompose as Jacob Cooper (I) sulphide. In its liquid state, which can be separated at the final stage on separate copper (I) sulfide in the air. Some are turning to copper (I) oxide equation
2Cu2S (s) + 3O2 (g) → 2Cu2O (s) + 2SO2 (g)
and copper (I) oxide and copper (I) sulfide reacts. together with a sulfide ion acts as a reducing agent. The copper and sulfur dioxide. Equation
2Cu2O (s) + Cu2S (s) → 6Cu (l) + SO2 (g)
copper smelting in this stage, there are impurities must be purified before. Copper is generally used to extract the pure solution electrolysis.
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