Never Give Up The truth is that intelligence talent and family inhu cannot always ensure success It is necessary to ence. HaWe perseverance an ahility, to endureany number of failures andrejectionswisoutceasinstostrusseonwards and The golfers. Lee Trevino a poor, Mexican-American never went, to university. Cosure dreamed, professionally First he took a job in the. Chub as a gardener then did, some caddying and practised playing when it was setting dark and nobody else wanted to use. The course iay, being determined he eventually become one of the most successful solfers in the world. Many people are shocked. When they are fired. And lose their confidence, one brosdcaster however who was, fired 18 times in 30 years refused to discoursed. She saw being dismissed as, an opportunity for it allowed be her to apply for better jobs At one time she was out of work. For over, a year but then she had a successful radio show other people in her place might have 8iven up their career in. Broadcasting but she refused to do this, Joe Papp a TV stage manager started staging, live performances, of Shakespeare. But Instead of, giving up he persuadeda eritic to review his production Rain stopped the play at theintermission as the. Performance was an open air one. But Papp pleaded with the eritic to write a review just about the first half, the show. Something unheard of He asreed and the, favorable account inspired donations which allowed the play to be performed for. The rest of the summer For the final example, of perseverance consider the career of Stephen King. The first three books. He wrote were rejected. And he had to work in a laundry. Writing in fourth novel sold five milion copies was made into a. Movie. There are only some example of perseverance Keep trying until you succeed.
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