Fuji oil company have been necessary to request clarification of the conditions of delivery, the company Chomthana Co., Ltd that as ever from traded price at the company Fuji oil co. has notified all. to direct the companies ' limited, but because of the previous problems have delayed delivery. The company Fuji af contribution responsibility by maintaining inventory and expenses subject to transportation provided by this condition yasong thayo ends when the goods line to such ends. But now, the problem that arose as a Cabinet company ' would not be able to receive the item, because the companies ' says no storage location, and the into month 5 via the Fuji oil deposits that must be taken to godown. At walking distance, and limited company charges up in storage and freight. All this makes the stock has split into two sections: incoming partial month, Fuji 4-way oil storage company, Fuji oil co., Ltd. and Fuji came five months-way to store the oil at walking distance, so. When there is a ' feel to receive incoming goods. The Fuji oil, 4 months receipt that Fuji oil co., Ltd. before and to be able to send the item. The company store at walking, have to go according to FIFO system, goods and products that the company at walking it. Via the Fuji oil will continue to increase the price of goods request, because the terms of delivery that does not meet the previous conditions ever talked. By Fuji oil will continue to talk with the company glico frozen as you Bhunyada tell Lae and the terms of delivery is 10 tons per shipment and notified at least 7 days in advance by Fuji oil company has previously provided care and responsibility on the part that we can be prepared. But because such problems occur continuously cause confusion in communicating and talking. Fuji oil must therefore request formal notification to the understanding of the same guidelines.
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