Buddhism in Indonesia country. Currently, Indonesia is a country of Islamic countries. But the past is the Mahayana Buddhism into enshrined. Buddhism had flourished so much. About the 12 ancient landmarks are two in Indonesia is the Frist BU du, or Royal gate output is located on the Plains thatho thu (kedu) in Central Java. Away from the cities, Jakarta (Jogjagata) today to Pierce to the North, about 40 kilometers, and the temple was brought to Remembrance (Mendut) domain. From the Bush to the Frist 3 km du Ta out when Islam has expanded powers dominated Indonesia in 2012, so the people of Indonesia, mainly since it Islam. while Buddhism is in degraded throughout the long era begins. Buddhism came to Indonesia in the country, the time Lord 3 Asoka. According to the na and Othman sent totra traveling Buddhist teachings spread later in the 12 State maritime superpower has called Srivijaya (Srivijaya) that influence from the Malay Peninsula, Indonesia, until reaching the South of the country, Thailand. This Srivijaya, most schools and Mahayana satnik is widespread and found in many archaeological evidence: the raw clay and bodhisattva PIM, etc. Lake sai not dynasty. 13 on the Central Java region, middle, has the greatest dynasty name kit of Lake sai, which is not. Sai dynasty there were not Leslie Srivijaya in the 14th and 15 had contacted the Bengal dynasty Spa and cultural exchanges by Srivijaya sent monks to study at Nalanda University, which the King of Bengal, อลก็, and อลก็ through Bengal has sent monks and craftsman came to spread Buddhism and to teach the people of Srivijaya Art Paris, each is sufficiently. มัชฌ Pasir era hitBuddhism deteriorate more In the 14th century when Srivijaya Kingdom decay and make it hit the incoming power mat Spa instead. This is a Hindu Kingdom, but which later, King hit him, one mat Spa "raden PA TA" he crashes a clear Islamic luea, he praised Islam as a religion and national spread of Buddhism and the colonial era of Sultanate.The Buddhist in Indonesia Do not have any featured roles and becoming a minority. Under the Muslims, which is ethnic, and as such, until reaching the age rule and received independence holanda. The people of Indonesia are Buddhists, the majority in Western Java island. The island Bali Island of BANGKA Belitung island-and some of the current Sumatra.The people of Indonesia who profess Buddhism Mahayana schools exist, it will exist on the island include: Javanese people (Buddhist 1%), Sundanese people, and the people of Bali, Bali island. That some people profess the indigenous Hindu Brahmanism-parallel, and there are people who sleep SA kabang Buddhist and Islamic doctrine, which as watu tlu combined with Hindu-Buddhist belief is on the island of Lombok as well as overseas Chinese who live on the island of Java. Every year. These devotees come to the ceremony on Vesak at the indicated output thatho city-Rochester yard at this nati Indonesia has established appropriate youth-teach Buddhism is sufficiently sharp to. There is a lecture in meditation meditation and introspection of multicultural publications such as the magazine out of stylus Nee that governance in Indonesia is based on the Buddhist devotees society in Indonesia. With the head office in Jakarta has six branch.At present, there are เซีน country Indonesia has started to revive Buddhism by a initiative from the people of Sri Lanka, monks, and the natives to receive upasampada from Myanmar and Thailand country. In the fifth Temple of Wat Arun Temple and monastery. At present, there are approximately only Buddhism satnik 150000 people, or about 1 percent of the population of all the people of Indonesia. Places of worshipThe country currently has a Buddhist temple, Indonesia is approximately 150 temples in the temple is another temple 50 100 fayomhayan measuring hinyan factions (Theravada) Temple, which is a measure of its kind 4 Thailand Buddhist temple, Wat taphuthot, Wat a fierce introspection of Krakow main house of worship and t-PA RAM Temple. Most of them are in the care of the Director, there are fewer monks because NEN. Governance based on Buddhist Buddhist Association, which is headquartered in the city of Jakarta. The Metropolitan of Indonesia and has 6 members are located, according to the city, with a total membership of approximately 150000 people.There is a Buddhist scripture, the Java 2 Bible books: important notice to find a new matter? Gama (Sang hyang Kamahaanikan) and a Bible, find ya Nan Gama mantra (Mantranaya Kamahayanan) ya na. The Buddhist revivalการฟื้นฟูพระพุทธศาสนาได้เริ่มขึ้นใหม่อีกครั้งเมื่อประมาณ 10 กว่าปีมานี้ เป็นการริเริ่มโดยพระสงฆ์ชาวลังกาและพระสงฆ์ชาวพื้นเมืองที่ได้รับการอุปสมบทไปจาก วัดบวรนิเวศวิหารและวัดเบญจมบพิตรในประเทศไทย ในปี พ.ศ. 2512 คณะสงฆ์ไทยได้ส่งพระธรรมทูตจากประเทศไทยไปเผยแผ่พระพุทธศาสนาในประเทศอินโดนีเซียทั้งชวาภาคกลาง ภาคตะวันออก และตะวันตก ขณะนี้ยังมิได้สร้างวัดไทยขึ้นแต่ก็ได้เตรียมการที่จะสร้างวัดไทยขึ้นในสถานที่ไม่ห่างไกลจากมหาสถูปโบโรบุดูร์ไว้แล้ว ปัจจุบันพระธรรมทูตจากประเทศไทยมีสำนักงานเผยแผ่เป็นศูนย์กลางอยู่ที่สำนักงานพุทธเมตตา ตั้งอยู่เลขที่ 59 ถนนเตอรูซานเล็มบังดี กรุงจาการ์ตา.
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