Cooperative Education Report aims to increase efficiency in the preparation of documents for customs clearance, the arm of the Dawn Shipping (Thailand) Ltd., who has studied the theory. PDCA to improve the preparation of documents for clearance of customs action for inter achieve efficiency in the document and could crash due note of the information is not clear who provided the document to them. can continue to work or can not know that the process of getting it on stage now, which has sometimes forget to attach documents to a JOB or document a set made to carry out the formalities of customs action, which caused. the delay in the release of products by using the theory of PDCA to improve the accuracy of the document to release
the results of the study found. Early form check list with the statistics of errors in the documentation of March. It can be seen that there is a lack of efficiency in the document in the first two months of February and March. When the study was 15, and the PDCA theory by using the form at the Little House can reduce errors in the document, the first time in April and May, which resulted in up to 14 times. The increase performance and reduce writing to a minimum.
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