The study found that the soil preparation be manure, percentage 46.6 characteristic function mainly to walk to come and strength can 96.0 plowing uncontrollably.) The plow is mainly used to price 91 percent.4 step between variable and harrow. The plow is mainly used to walking way (95.3 posture farm is walking -มา. Motion and specific hand / arm 83 percent.1 seeding stage, a walk - and use the shoulder / arm to throw or cast of 100.0 withdrawal procedure. The stand - sit and exert kick (99.6 procedures, job characteristics, most seedlings stand and bow to work moving hand / arm and foot of 97.9 stage farming sow look walk -. The hand / arm 98 percent.9 step harvest. The work standing and move hand / arm and foot. 99 percent.6 in health and pain of body. A painful muscle from farming. In the process of preparing the soil, it is very painful ที่สุดบริเวณ after 66 percent.1 step plowing harrow variant withdraw the dare and transplant rice seedlings the most pain in waist, and 86.8 step sowing. The most painful arm area percentage 78.7
.From data to discover the cause can be summarized to the appearance of rice in each stage. That resulted in pain on the body parts of the body such that in each step, การทำนา
.Key words: working conditions, experience, muscle pain,
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