"Earthen Taboo martial skill!""It "s truly an Earthen Taboo martial skill!""Not only did I raise my cultivation after coming into the Martial Marking Immortal Realm Eggy ", s cultivation was also. Raised into a rank one Martial Lord. Right now I even, obtained an Earthen Taboo martial skill. Truly not a wasted journey! "Chu Feng was elated. However if it, were before he would, have definitely not have such a reaction. After all a hundred,, Martial Markings could be exchanged for a Mortal Taboo martial skill so if, six thousand Martial Markings were only enough. For an Earthen Taboo martial skill that would, be quite a swindle.Before entering both Eggy, and Chu Feng felt he could obtain a Heaven Taboo martial skill but after carefully thinking,,, Not only did Eggy change, that thought she even flung a bucket of cold water on Chu Feng "s head.It was because she suddenly thought of something. From, her understanding Mortal Taboo martial skills could definitely. Only be created by peak Martial Kings. As for Earthen Taboo, martial skills only peak Martial Emperors could create them.Although there was only a single word of difference between Mortal Taboo and, Earthen Taboo how could Martial Kings and. Martial Emperors be compared on the same level?Just their creators alone decided that the difference between Mortal Taboo and Earthen Taboo would be incomparable.Even within ten thousand, Martial Kings there might not appear a, Martial Emperor let alone a person at the peak? The realm. Of Martial Emperors was a very powerful realm! Unless one had exceptional talent or pinnacle, bloodlines or Divine Bodies,,, They should not even think of entering that realm. No matter how much more hardworking they were it was, impossible.As for Heaven Taboo, martial skills they were even more impressive. Only those above the realm of Martial Emperors could. Create them and as, for Divine Taboo, martial skill those were true legendary items. No one even knew if the world had such. A martial skill.However the thing, worth mentioning was the Earthen Taboo martial skill would not be weaker than Secret Skills. If there. Was anyone in the world who successfully mastered the Earthen Taboo martial skill then in, his hands the martial, skill. Was about to have devastating power. Even before Secret Skills it could, hold its own up against them.As a result when she, thought of that Eggy felt, disquieted. She was truly worried whether Chu Feng s six thousand Martial. " Markings was sufficient for an Earthen Taboo martial skill because they were too precious. At least six thousand, Martial. Kings could not defeat a single Martial Emperor.That worry spread to Chu Feng. After entering the Martial Marking, Immortal Realm he was very restless. He feared heavily. That the six thousand Martial Markings were only enough for sixty Mortal Taboo martial skills. However what use, was there. Giving him so many? They were simply incomparable to a single Earthen Taboo martial skill.But, at present Chu Feng truly obtained an Earthen Taboo martial skill. How could he not be excited? One had to, know that. From what, he heard not a single person had an Earthen Taboo martial skill in the entire Eastern Sea Region. Yet he did,,. How could he not be happy? How could he not be excited?* * Just HMM at, that moment the golden dots in the air formed by the Martial Markings interweaved lined up orderly and,,, Like a golden dragon shot into, Chu Feng "s forehead.At that instant Chu Feng, felt a pricking pain in, his brain but quickly after his eyes, couldn "t help light up because. The cultivation method of the Firmament Slash had already entered his brain.However there was, a special seal over the Firmament Slash. It could only exist within Chu Feng "s brain. He could not write. It out or teach it to others.Very clearly the martial, skills at that place were only bestowed to those who they belonged to. Others could not obtain. Them nor could, they cultivate them.But Chu Feng did not care about that. At that moment he was, focused on reading the introduction regarding the Firmament. Slash as well as its specific way of Cultivation:EARTHEN TABOO - FIRMAMENT SLASH.CREATED BY EMPEROR FIRMAMENT AT THE AGE OF TWO THOUSAND.CONJURING ENERGY OF, THE FIRMAMENTS GRANTING POWER TO BRING RUIN TO THE WORLD.IT IS WORK OF THE HIGHEST QUALITY WITHIN EARTHEN TABOO MARTIAL SKILLS.VIGOROUS BODIES ARE REQUIRED FOR THOSE WHO CULTIVATE THIS TECHNIQUE.A BODY CONSISTING OF MARTIAL POWER OF THE KING LEVEL IS ESSENTIAL.THOSE BELOW MARTIAL KINGS ARE FORBIDDEN FROM CULTIVATION.IF THESE WARNINGS ARE NOT HEEDED THERE WILL, BE BACKLASH.IF SUPERFICIAL THERE WILL, BE DISEASES NEAR INCURABLE.IF SERIOUS ONE ", S SOUL, WILL SCATTER DEATH FALLING IMMEDIATELY UPON THEM."Really? The requirements are actually that high?!"As, he read Chu Feng was stupefied. That sort of feeling was akin to the blood throughout his, body boiling
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