The demand for skilled workers in the industry is the automotive industry, three major food production.And there are also many attractions and most of the lower-level workers are performing tasks that require specific knowledge and skills.The task group to look at professional certification or advanced professional certificates are the industry group.There is a huge demand. Because this group of experienced personnel from the training and skills necessary to perform the job.Production personnel in vocational institutions, many private sector collaboration that pakap students can attend training.The quality and skilled personnel to meet the needs of labor markets. However, the production of skilled labour.Still not enough and tend to lack Due to the focus on values, the degree more than card.The ability and skill to do the work reflected a rate of pay which varies according to the level of qualification. WhomYour graduate job card will be paid more than those who hold a professional certificate, even if those who hold a degree in a card.Is there a risk that they will not get the job done. Because of the number of positions that have been less, but there are a lot of people.Therefore, higher competition and recently graduated non-graduates will work at lower levels (Underemployment).It may be the unemployment. ' values ', so to avoid the degree students are not graduating from vocational education.To obtain the degree acquired possession of (Office of the learning society and the quality of youth, 2557)Know that in the real work skills are required to work. The labor situation in Thailand is in the production stage of labor.Does not comply with the requirements of the industrial sector, both in terms of quantity and specific features of work (Job?Mismatch), encourage students to enroll in a vocational Institute in sutrotwiphakhi, scholarship students.Students in the course thereof, in order to increase the incentives for students who have financial constraints, as well as provide information about the guidelines.A higher level of education and working career either frankly to make parents understand and decide.
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