It was in 1826 that the Zoological Society was founded in London. In 1 การแปล - It was in 1826 that the Zoological Society was founded in London. In 1 แอฟริกา วิธีการพูด

It was in 1826 that the Zoological

It was in 1826 that the Zoological Society was founded in London. In 1867 the title was shortened yo zoo. Later on in 1892 the Englishman Henry Salt in his book Animal Rights was one of the first to protest against keeping animals in cages. He did not like the idea because of the way the animal were confined and also the way animal in zoos "lose their character" Since them many people have criticized zoos for these reasons. However zoos claim that role is to educate the public and conserve animals. These aims are not bad in themselves. it is the way in which they are carried out that we must consider.
Zoos claim that they have an important educational function. Is this true? in reality most people go to zoos for entertainment. This is what sells the tickets and pays the bills. zoos say they give people the opportunity to see the wonders of nature and its wild animals. In fact they are showing us animal that have lost their dignity: animal with sad and empty eyes. The conditions under which animals are kept in zoos change their behavior. Animal like humans are affected by their environment. After months and years in a cage without any interest animals begin to lose their natural characteristics. Many animal in animals begin to zoos get signs of "zoochosis" abnormal behavior which includes endlessly pacing up and down and rocking from side to side it is caused by lack of space lack of interest lack of company and an unsuitable diet. Two polar bears in Bristol Zoo in England have been confined in a small ares for 28 years and show all the signs of zoochosis . how can people observe wild animal under such conditions and believe that they are being educated? To learn about wild animals one must observe them in the wild where they live.
Zoos also claim that they are conserving endangered species in the hope of returning them to the wild in the future. Out of about 10,000 zoos that exist around the world only about 500 register their animals with an international species database and only about five or ten percent of these actually work with endangered species. Zoos have projects where they breed animal im zoos for the purpose of conservation. However most animals do not need help in breeding;theyhave been doing it for a long time without any help. Animal have been endangered because their natural surroundings have been destroyed by humans. It is true that zoos have had several success stories with zoo-bred animal One was the golden lion tamarin a species of monkey which had almost become extinct because humans destroyed its natural habitat and too many were captured for pets and zoos. Over 100 tamarins were bred in zoos and when they were released into the wild only 30 survived. Some were unable to live life in the wild-they were not able to climb trees or when they did they fell off some did not even move; some were not used to a natural diet. It is a risky business to re-introduce zoo-bred animal to the wild because if they have lost their instinct for survival and cannot adapt quickly enough they will die.
In conclusion it seems that zoos are trying to fulfill their goals to educate and conserve but in the process are harming the animals themselves. What is the solution then? one solution is to protect the natural homes or habitats of animals. Another possibility is to have habitat preserves where wild animal live with the least possible human interference. if the money and expertise that zoos are using today were redirected to habitat preservation and management we would not have the problems of having preservation and management we would not have the problems of having to conserve species whose natural homes have disappeared. Nonetheless there also has to be an international effort to control pollution and the illegal capturing of endangered species.
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ผลลัพธ์ (แอฟริกา) 1: [สำเนา]
Dit was in 1826 dat die Zoological Society gestig in Londen. In 1867 is die titel yo dieretuin verkort. Later in 1892 die Engelsman Henry Salt in sy boek Animal Rights was een van die eerste om te protesteer teen die hou van diere in hokke. Hy het nie van die idee as gevolg van die manier waarop die dier is beperk en ook die manier waarop diere in dieretuine "verloor hul karakter" Sedert hulle baie mense gekritiseer dieretuine vir hierdie redes. Maar dieretuine beweer dat rol is om die publiek op te voed en te bewaar diere. Hierdie doelwitte is nie sleg in hulself. Dit is die manier waarop hulle uitgevoer wat ons moet oorweeg.
Dieretuine beweer dat hulle het 'n belangrike opvoedkundige funksie. Is dit waar? in werklikheid die meeste mense gaan na dieretuine vir vermaak. Dit is wat verkoop die kaartjies en betaal die rekeninge. dieretuine sê hulle gee mense die geleentheid om die wonders van die natuur en sy wilde diere te sien. In die feit dat hulle is wat ons die diere wat hul waardigheid verloor het: dier met hartseer en leë oë. Die omstandighede waarin diere aangehou in dieretuine verander hul gedrag. Animal soos mense geraak word deur hul omgewing. Na maande en jare in 'n hok sonder enige belang diere begin om hul natuurlike eienskappe te verloor. Baie diere in diere begin dieretuine kry tekens van "zoochosis" abnormale gedrag wat insluit eindeloos loop heen en weer en wieg van kant tot kant dit word veroorsaak deur 'n gebrek aan ruimte gebrek aan belangstelling gebrek van die maatskappy en 'n ongeskikte dieet. Twee ysbere in Bristol Zoo in Engeland is beperk in 'n klein sondaars vir 28 jaar en al die tekens van zoochosis. hoe kan mense neem wilde dier onder sulke omstandighede en glo dat hulle word opgelei? Om te leer oor Wilde diere moet 'n mens hulle waarneem in die Wild waar hulle woon.
Dieretuine beweer dat hulle ook Bewaring van bedreigde spesies in die hoop van hulle weer in die Wild in die toekoms. Uit ongeveer 10,000 dieretuine wat bestaan ​​in die wêreld net sowat 500 hul diere te registreer met 'n internasionale spesies databasis en net sowat vyf of tien persent van hierdie eintlik werk met bedreigde spesies. Dieretuine het projekte waar hulle broei dier im dieretuine vir die doel van bewaring. Maar die meeste diere nie help in teling nodig; theyhave doen dit vir 'n lang tyd sonder enige hulp. Animal is bedreig omdat hul natuurlike omgewing is vernietig deur die mens. Dit is waar dat dieretuine het verskeie suksesverhale met dieretuin geteel dier Een was die goue leeu Tamarin 'n spesie van die aap wat byna uitgesterf het, want die mens vernietig sy natuurlike habitat en te veel gevang vir troeteldiere en dieretuine. Meer as 100 Tamarins geteel in dieretuine en toe hulle in die natuur vrygelaat slegs 30 oorleef. Sommige was nie in staat om te lewe in die natuur-hulle was nie in staat om bome te klim of wanneer hulle het hulle afgeval sommige het nie eens beweeg; sommige was nie gewoond aan 'n natuurlike dieet. Dit is 'n riskante besigheid te hervestig Zoo-geteel Animal die Wild want as hulle hul instink vir oorlewing verloor en kan nie vinnig genoeg wat hulle sal sterf aan te pas.
Ten slotte blyk dit dat dieretuine probeer om hul doelwitte te bereik om op te voed en te bewaar vervul. maar in die proses is die benadeling van die diere self. Wat is die oplossing dan? Een oplossing is om die beskerming van die natuurlike huise of habitatte van diere. Nog 'n moontlikheid is om habitat bewaar waar wilde diere leef met die minste moontlike menslike inmenging. indien die geld en kundigheid wat dieretuine gebruik vandag is herlei na habitat bewaring en bestuur sou ons nie die probleme van 'bewaring en bestuur sou ons nie die probleme van om spesies waarvan natuurlike huise verdwyn bewaar hê. Nietemin is daar ook 'n internasionale poging om besoedeling en die onwettige invoer van bedreigde spesies te beheer.
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