Now, I think the company website should we improve because I think it has issues with our Web site, as follows: First of all, the Web site has content that is not up to date, there are no updates for years. The ad, which has too many users get confused between the actual content with ads inserted, too colorful website. Make time to read, users feel pain or burning sensation in the eyes, the word pool, making users understand data has errors and finally our website address, or a contact, customer contact, our company is difficult. Therefore, we should solve the problem as follows: Update the information on our site, even more modern look, don't put ads on sites that may make users confused and annoyed, the background image is not updated, keen, resize the text to fit, including press correctly. And add a return address and phone number to know. Website designers should help to improve the company's Web site to get the rasat.I think there is one important point that we should be more is because our site is only in English, only a single language, so I think we should make a website in a different language to provide international customers with greater convenience.
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