วันนี้วันหยุดของฉันฉันส่งลูกชายไปโรงเรียนก็กลับมาทำความสะอาดลานหน้าบ้า การแปล - วันนี้วันหยุดของฉันฉันส่งลูกชายไปโรงเรียนก็กลับมาทำความสะอาดลานหน้าบ้า อังกฤษ วิธีการพูด


วันนี้อากาศเย็นสบาย มีลมพัด
ใช่มันต้องเป็นเพลงอเมริกา คันทรี แน่นอน

ฉันเขียนไว้เมื่อว่างจากงาน ยังไม่ส่งให้คุณ
มันเป็นเพียงสำเนาแล้วคลิก send เท่านั้นเอง
ใครจะไปคิดว่า ไทยจะน้ำท่วมได้เป็นเดือนๆ

แล้วก็ชอบอากาศอบอุ่นประมาณอากาศ 25-30 องศาด้วย



คุณต้องฟังให้ได้นะ เมื่อคุณนึกถึงฉัน ให้ฟังเพลงนี้
ฉันขอมอบให้คุณได้ไหม ในฐานะเพื่อนบ้าน
เสียดายที่โคราชไม่มี CD
จาก: -
เป็น: -
ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 1: [สำเนา]
This week I sent my son to school

it back clean forecourt
because when heavy rains today mango leaf fall is really cool
. Winds
I sat at a table behind the house.

And listen to one song.Yes, it must be an American country music

Of course you do not have to worry James.

I did not sleep much but my face is not pretty

I'll tell you one thing, I came close, I think you hit it

.I wrote on the availability of jobs. To send to you.
I'm going to sleep or waking up to drink water during the middle of the night

It is just a copy sent to you then send yourself
.Like you get it when you wake up in the morning in America
Yes, I think snow is pretty good at it and remain on the tree green leaves
but it makes it harder, not least
nature has changed. it's like you
.Who would ever think that. Thailand flooding will have a month Roa
You can also read that I would sit next to you, then you have a home: a book about it

I like the cold weather here.
And like the wind blows cold
.แล้วก็ชอบอากาศอบอุ่นประมาณอากาศ 25-30 องศาด้วย


คุณ I would have accepted it is

I like this song a lot.The music and sound, and then stick with the old car, you have to listen to it

. When you think of me. Listen to this: I have given you. Unfortunately no me as neighbor
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 2:[สำเนา]
Today my holidays

I sent my son to school, come back to clean the patio in front of the House
because yesterday torrent full of mango leaf loss constant cool weather today. With the wind blows, I'm sitting behind your desk

And one musicYes, it must be phlengomerika country. Of course

you do not need to worry James.
I don't succumb to sleep more and wanted my face
it will not be pretty

I will tell you, the way you move into exactly what I have been charged with nothing

.I've written to. not sent to you.
I'm going to bed or wake up late, so drink plenty of water the Middle

sent to you it is only a copy, and then click send!
.Want you to get it when you wake up in the early morning of America
Yes, I say it's pretty good time it snow on tree leaves, green,
but it causes hardship.
it was natural to you that?
.Who is going to think that Thai will flood months
you if I hole it has to sit next to you and reading your books, decorative

I love books about winter weather silk here.
And I like having the wind blows cold
.And then, like a warm weather, about 25-30 degree weather with
but my house plants like rain

your city probably has copious parks are a lot

. I have something to give you a little, you will be able to get it
this is my favorite song.
Because of the music and the sound of soft, old cars, cars with

you must listen to. When you think of me, listen to this song
I give to you? As a neighbor of
does not exist, except for the fact that the Korat.
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 3:[สำเนา]
Today I send my holiday

I went back to my son to go to school to clean yard
because, yesterday, heavy rain fell full mango leaves,
this day Cool wind
I sat at the table and listen to the music track one
homeYes, it must be a North American Country Music, of course you do not need to be concerned with

I won't that James was not going to sleep, your face I can't

it will not be pretty I will tell you one thing

moved up close to me, but then you hit
I wrote down when you have not been sent free from work, I went to bed before you
or wake up to drink the water in the middle of the night during the

it is sent to you only as a copy, and then click Send
only.I wish you had been there when you wake up in the morning of America
Yes, I think it's pretty good when it was snow on the trees, green
but it would make it difficult, at least not
nature it has changed to a lot
don't you?Who would have thought that Thailand will flood. drags
you were true. How are you, I would sit and read a book, and you have a side by side with you
books Home Furnishings a book? I like to

and it's cold here today like a cool breeze
And then it was like warm air around 25 - 30 degrees with a tree house, but

I like rain city park. You would have a lot of flower arrangement is a

I have something to offer, you will be a little
you are. I've loved you?
is this song.
Because music and voice soft and old car spaces, with

you need to listen to, when you think about it, I have to listen to this song
I'd like to offer you as neighbors?
Unfortunately, there is no Royal CD
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ภาษาอื่น ๆ
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