The content. "A baby pig." Fairy tales for children, bilingual content, international language is English and Thailand. A story about a pig with three brothers lived with her mother until a pig, piglet, all three must be separate from the parent to go out to build their own houses by big brother piggy lazy habits are created with a straw, and completed in a short time. Middle brother piggy part is very greedy pig. Wooden house building in just 1 day, and you're home. While the smaller pig, which is the most diligent. Build a brick home is a long time, with difficulty.One day when the Wolf comes and will eat pig as a food. It's just a blower, it destroyed the houses of two brethren, but it destroyed the House, strong winds blow your piglet small sister. Repeat the Lord Wolf also overwhelmed all three until the pig must be escaped. Piglet learn that will do whatever it wants and do it fully. Don't try to comfort the outcome, it will come out good.The content in this book, the children will learn English words alongside the fun and enjoyment to read fairy tales. Tales of fun, this story leave a comment warning the city is "thou shalt hold the sweet edible sour starvation."
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