come to know the "logistics"
Logistics (Logistics) is a word that comes from Greek, means "art" in the calculation of ancient times, and in the days of the current logistics, military and the victory or the defeat in the war by virtue of the stronga definition that is defined at the international level, logistics management, will be the definition of the The Logistics Management Council (CLM), which defines the management of the logistics that
"The process of planning and control process efficiency and effectiveness in the flow of raw materials are stored in the process inventory finished goods and related information from the beginning to the point of use.In addition, Logistix Partners Oy, Helsinki, Fl defines logistics business that
"The structure of the business plan for the management of raw materials and services the flow of information and capital, including information that is complex, communication, and control processmission of logistics management is to plan and coordinate the operation of its operations in the various activities that are aimed at achieving the meet the needs of your customers with the quality products and services and in the above-and-beyond.
the definition related • engineering logistics (Logistics Engineering)
• logistics Reverse (Reverse Logistics)
• Production Logistics
• Consumer Logistics
• Third Party Logistics • Global Logistics
logistics role.Logistics is the key to the economy is two guidelines
• Logistics is a major expenditure for businesses, and will be affected and was affected by other activities in the economic system to improve productivity of your logistics process.• logistics support to change and the process of economic transactions, and has become an important event in the sales support
inasmuch as goods and services.• Logistics is to increase the distance to the place and time, to be the Product that the customer wants to go to the production to consumption or to the place that you want to at the time that you need in a good condition and, in that you want to want to
development of integrated logistics development of logistics in the range from nineteen 1900 onwards, may be summarized as follows:
military logistics.Logistics is well known for the first time start owing to the Second World War in the Persian Gulf War 2 and can be distributed, and the Munitions storage and power efficiency and effectiveness.
the competition in the market.The interest rate and the cost of energy, logistics, it has been the more interesting from the Logistics is a major cost of doing one of the costs of logistics, it is a prescribedIn addition organizations industry globalization is also affecting logistics in several ways as follows:
• World competition Logistics is a very large organization in the country because the judge will be required to improve the reliability and a quick response to the market that is better than the competition at nearby far away
• Organization that trading partners will be found that supply chain costs are high and more complex logistic management, color. It is necessary to create an opportunity to compete in the world
Full activities in logistics management
Other activities that are in the scope of logistics process with
• Customer Service procurement plan for location of factories, warehouses building
• the prophet, and demand planning procurement procurement
Procurement management procurement inventory management
raw materials procurement moves raw materials procurement
• packing to order
procurement of logistics and shipping
• back (such as Inventory Management)
Procurement management procurement and distribution channel
• distribution warehouse and storage warehouse imports
• Traffic and transport activities
• Processing to be re-used
• Security
the collaboration of these various activities to achieve cooperation in the planning, operation,The products and services and control the flow of information through organizations and coordinate consistent performance is what is known today as logistics
Summary, and then the management, logistics management, and the process is the process that makes it a virtual source of nuclei in the quest for raw materials, and services provided,The store inventory and import the correct product to ship to the right place at the time, there is a good store of inventory, the time wasted costs, the endeavor to guard.Minimum Capital and customer satisfaction in order to make it less effective.
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