Personal Manager, came out for a long time so Toledo onon furnish confirmation. Student driving the red label. Mac la ren-Honda Good night day registry check Adewale After receiving medical examination due to the accident While the car is at the city of Barcelona Spain country taste and with the battle of Fort on the first day of the season 2015 mula Stadium "Australia Hotel Grand Prix". 14 number of vehicles crashed into the walls of the onon solo rhythm of 3 arc Circuit de Casa Ta Lu naya. When the past February 22 Sunday. However, the world champion, also has a sensible and can chat with a doctor as usual. After the accident before passenger Helios khoptoe to the Czech hospital complications.Louis Garcia Abad, Manager of private Respond to issues 33 years of age, Driver Detective will fit completely enough. To inaugurate the season March 15 2015 that Albert pak "his good physical condition, I don't think it will be okay.""He was sent to hospital, the initial symptoms, which always come out satisfied, but he must also sleep longer 24 hour hospital monitoring body to check symptoms, Czech began again on Monday (23 g)."At the same time, Garcia Abad denied rumors the past race Ferrari head dizzy symptoms before testing the "MP4-30." I contend there are no symptoms for a long time domain FIR before the vehicle is still in control of the pitch with a lot of wind, and then he crashed the wall beyond the not true. ""The signal system of the vehicle indicating that his car was broken a long brake pedal, and furnish the main domain change gear until the accident occurred."
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