Abraham Lincoln (Abraham Lincoln) President of the United States of 16 people who had been heralded as the greatest President of the United States people. March 4, 1861 when the term begins until the year 1865 during which there is a country into a crisis from the civil war (Civil War), he brought the State party over the South Division winner, State in the civil war as a result of the abolition of slavery in the United States to succeed.Abraham Lincoln is regarded as someone who is very important in the history of the United States, one of the country's page. He sees the value of human rights since the Universal Declaration of human rights, before they are released into the body as per world. It is important for one thing that makes him become important people of the world to this day. It also produces many effects: Wang sharp and Americans at that time by the ณ๊นี้ย่อม organization, as well as his leadership on the abolition of slavery policy that no one is interested or tai area to push such policies to succeed, truly reforms. A lot of people want to fall under unfair exploitation, but when Lincoln enters and dare to this policy in order to find, sound. These policies appear to return as a result, he has been elected, and succeed in the job duties that magnificently demonstrates that there are many people in the United States who disagree with others to slave. But no one dares out comments in this regard: public forum, 7.For this reason, in addition to the Abraham Lincoln to be a great leader in the field of human rights. He is also one of the young men who dare to come out fairly claim equality and freedom, as well as his human friends. The author does not know when it will have this happen or not, but it is believed that Abraham Lincoln would see that he has a desire for the abolition of slavery to raengkla policy, to take effect. Just because he realized that "all men have equal human dignity" themselves.
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