The Moxon heavy riot city after moving combatants breaks the government proposed to tickle attack mount the TV channel 6 news the Moxon is a mid-more secure way to communicate with the government News agency that "many สตช.- labor - of the Department of Civil and Commercial - foreign countries." The Clash of the boiling.until the police have to shoot both across both tear gas, the Moxon squatters situation boil until dusty sore throat 2 and multiple "บิ๊กตู่" while it was staged braking.Use tear gas Wons 2 and put an end to the violence." "The Angel thing wake up Ambrose announced the victory strike Wons Dec. 2 throughout the country overthrow the government charged masses based on the principle of peace - never grew - without arms as "Chulalongkorn - Thammasat University - Mahidol - Prof.- Zoo - Garden Certified correct translation" school vacation - holiday Dec. 2 news release as soon as they engaged all day Prime Minister fled outside while the government struck back to the divide in Thailand
Moxon calls based on government-media TV
capital riot cataclysmic day bloody broken Dec. 1The Moxon Moxon announced the government had fallen, and the Prime Minister Shinawatra Dynasty Democracy Monument in Bangkok by setting the stage road people to the Board of Directors of the group, change the country's democracy.(a ปปส.since the early morning mass is gradually coming from other provinces continued to hew to the masses to join the overnight to settle down to wait for the official invasion took place by the protestors in front of the stage and the unaware.To listen to his speech and some dining, depending on the scanning stage to be rehearsed, and divided by mass demonstrations took place, government and local broadcasters คปท by the group.and กปท.Responsible for securing government Ministry of Foreign Affairs, while the implementation of the stage 9 is responsible for the police led by Mr. Nussaba gives/headquarters Metropolitan Police/Ministry of Labor has completely independent Mr. ChaiThe Confederation of state enterprise labor upon inter-group, and send to the public television channel 3,Channel 5, Channel 7, Channel 9,The announcement does not win 11 with no charge for the masses with no way civilised never grew at Peace without arms is not provoked mass police and asked to listen to the announcement from the scan only. Don't do anything other than it.Road is a Command Center to support all groups depending on the house deathly Mr. Nong Toey นำฯ scanning stage. Make a speech by stating that.The fortuneteller Shinawatra, the Prime Minister has more airlines Thailand at the end of Johannesburg South Africa at the time, however, the government has confirmed Prime Minister later in Thailand, but it is also where to conceal security
"The government" to center the Moxon didn't move
The center of the congregation of the expedience that since the morning, there is a group to join congregation mass gradually travel uninterrupted by some settling overnight at the same time, made a speech on the stage is not to make a speech from the scanSo the protestors keep track of the movements and the area within the central government, a group of public burden to private business, but there are also some public groups have been used to prepare the rice storage waiting for moving announcement
"Suthep," Moxon said the move at peace - peace - never grew
when the time 10.45 AM. Mr. Suthep mountain ranges in ปปส subun secretary.Go on the stage to make a speech at Government Center, the center is divided into 3 parts, government will be the first treatment center in the area to prevent the government commitment to the group as well as the 2 will be moved to the group as well as to businessmen, Silom3. Ask the car to place the middle of the town to fill the number, go to the Ministry of Commerce of the mass transit in ปปส.let it go, don't make a noise is not good citizens of coercion and other leaders will be made in accordance with instructions to be proactive, it is back to the order of the core, however, it does not matter where you are traveling to the area control to wait for news on this unit.It may be in the evening dinner, and go to the control panel, to-morrow, to not have to work, but if you are going to set the stage at the juice, however, let it rest a pick-up truck here 40 - 50 cars with
dark stretch OfficeThe government has a strict police officers with the power to freeze the place the 3 floor with barbed wire suppliers in the outskirts of every separate office, allowed to travel to the only one-stop at the intersection.1 keep thee, (Gen.) attached to the metropolitan police headquarters (the cheese.) only depending on the accessories are from Thai Army military commander of 3 or about 600 people, from time to time, at the 02.23, while some police tear gas can be attached to the left and the right side of his chest with operations throughout and the other part was standing in front of a board along Khlong Prem populationHowever, since about 10.00, there is a group who gathered คปท. As well as a number of the population in the area is located along Khlong Prem ชมัยม bridge the เชฐ which is adjacent to the vertical suppliers and barbed wire against Prime Minister
do not fly out of the National Police (สตช.Mr. minister, And Avim dawn วัฒนจินดา secretary. Mr. statement said, the case of a current news that Ms. Dynasty more Shinawatra Prime Minister and a cabinet minister.Ministry of Defense has been traveling to South Africa when the noon, that confirms that the prime minister in the morning, meeting at the police headquarters of repression on drugs (the CH. On.With the video conferences with the center of peace (Prof. flavor.) The National Police (สตช.by the image of the Prime Minister when the morning meeting at the police headquarters of suppression drugs,., .) police Club Vibhavadi Rangsit Road at 09.24 AM.To confirm the media. In addition, when half-an-hour, the Prime Minister has been talking to Pol. Gen.civil Brahma Mr. outside of the practice of the congregation as well as the Prime Minister has reiterated that it was to reduce the use of violence and the use of weapons with.
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