This article presents the design of detection system and control the leakage of gas, LPG, a wireless data transmission. For use in fire protection and warning note, caused by leakage of LPG, gas. Consists of two parts: (1) air volume in gas detection kits and outfits (2) receive and record data. The volume of air in the gas detection kit was designed to detect LPG gas volume in the air and sending the data to the data and save set with wireless radio frequency 433.92 size Mecca Hertz. Controls work with microcontrollers In the event of a gas leak beyond the standard value. The system will cut the gas supply act immediately with LPG, sent warning signals. Test results found that behavior detection system and control the leakage of gas, LPG, LPG gas volume can be measured. Error value is not more than 1 percent, but it will catch more slowly 1-2. Seconds, and the cutting can be a gas leak when the leak exceeds standard data transmission distance of not less than 20 metres.
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