The deforestation problem deforestation is
big problem in Thailand. Proliferation of the population
.After World War 2 onwards. As the impetus for expansion areas to the cultivation and construction of housing. Make
has caused deforestation and forest area declined rapidly in 1998.2504 forest area of the country have 171 million
Rai or 53 percent of area country reduced to 94 million hectares, or 29 percent area of country. The 2528 and when
BC2538 (another 10 years later) forest area only 82 million hectares or 25 percent of area in the country! Forest loss amounts of such impact long-term economic, social, and house
.Morphology of plants and animals. The area without trees covered or roots hold the soil, causing floods easily, water wash หน้าดิน that
.Rich in natural and lack of fertile to plant again. Consequently, the state has set the urgent measures.
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