Brown mixture, relieve cough and expectorant
the leopard exchange / brand drug Brown mixture
medicine group, the respiratory tract. Drugs used in
type cough expectorant
60 ml size / packing packaging, glass bottles, paper box
.Size / packing. Other 120 ml 28 baht (price labels 30 baht)
ingredients, shake well before use
in 5 ml: Glycyrrhiza Fluidextract, 0.6 ml. Antimony Potassium Tartrate 1.2 ml Camphorated Opium, Tincture 0.6 ml
indications, relieve cough and expectorant
for help. Shake the bottle before use!Take a day 3-4 times adult dosage 1-2 teaspoon (5-10 ml)
children 6-12 years dosage 1 /2-1 teaspoon (2.5-5. Ml)
preservation. Keep out of reach of children, and to prevent the sunlight
.Warning - do not use this medicine in children under the age of 6 years old people and pregnant women
- do not use this contact กันนา in excess of 3 day
- this is alcohol mixed 3% treatment should be carefully
. Price tag 19%
pharmaceutical / prompted 2A 268 / 27
.Customer relationship 0-3433-1460
source documents and drug R1
Rack Rack Map 1 / 1.
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