Chapter 5
conclusion. Discuss the effect and suggestion were
.To study the behavior and behavior modification, learning to be disciplined and responsibility of duty and learning better of the students at 1 academic year 2558 program. English studies, Faculty of HumanitiesThe 43 People
population population / samples / samples used in this study is the first year students in the academic year 2558 1 program. English studies, Faculty of humanities, CRU were 43 People
.The instruments used in the study. The instruments used in the study, observation, and interview to discuss the use of pledges and reinforcement theory
the collecting information
.In this research, the tools used are observation, questionnaire, the data analysis
The percentage of the data analysis data analysis
.From analyzing the data from observation. The study of each subject. And the responses from students. The use of motivation reinforcement by giving a compliment to the students. As well as learning to be responsible, pay attention to study.Make the students are eager to learn and learn more. In this research indicated that the student 1 academic year 2558 English studies, Faculty of humanities, CRU. The 43 people.Responsible and interested in learning more. The observation of the learning environment in the classroom that is conducive to learning, attention more and more. Responsibility, not be absent or late.Know help each other wholeheartedly!From student questionnaire about discipline and responsibility in the classroom. The results of the questionnaire showed that students at 1 academic year 2558 in English studies, Faculty of humanities, CRU.43 people with enthusiasm, enthusiastic, caring towards decommissioning and discipline and responsibilities. Considering the overall, it can be seen that the better obviously is not the students work in other มาทำ while learning.Submit homework on time, and that the teachers set Don't sleep in class while the class. Do your homework and don't copy homework friends. A try to edit without despair. Is responsible for the job. Study on time and study hard.And a time to be useful by reading the book. Make the students learning behavior can be modified to be disciplined and responsibility to serve and studying, resulting in better in school.
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