The packaging is useful for more than just a device that supports and which include the following:Use wrappers and collect items.Use to prevent damage and degeneration, the quality of the item.Used as a device to facilitate active transport and distribution.As communication between producers, sellers and consumers. To a story about a product, including advertising to attract consumers, are interested in buying goods and.Current packaging are important factors in the distribution of goods that need to append the academic science, technology and art together to be able to protect and extend the life of goods. Increase in freight transport, as well as attracting customers and advertising items and adds value to the product.The selection of suitable packaging items.View the categories of products, such as fresh food. Dry food, etc.View the properties of an item, such as a product with a high humidity is a acid?See food storage such as fresh milk, fresh milk station foe lai phatchoerai.Select tech Pack, transport, storage and distribution of.See the appropriate price of the item.
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