The impact of recycling
the formation of pollution
and the introduction of various packaging materials. Recycled, such as paper, plastic, metal
and so on. Production process or recycling process. Industry must make
the disposal of contaminated materials out many, if not collected, leaving a good and proper. It contributes
to problems such as pollution. So such plants The state should require that every plant
has a strict management system for waste
from recycled paper production factory surveys have septic tanks
, which have increased the cost of the plant. On average, the construction of water treatment
plant, THB 10-20 million depending on the size of the plant. If you do not have wastewater. By
releasing water into the rivers Will cause sewage problems Dead animals and people are not
able to use the water in the rivers has. This counts as a loss Another economic
one. Product recycling certain types of lower quality. This is because the chemical properties and
physical damage to, such as recycled paper. The ink contamination, the colors
of white paper. Pulp shorter As a result, the toughness of recycled paper decreased
or in the case of the glass. The contamination when melting glass used. It was not clear colored glass
or colored glass, it has changed. Quality control of color can be difficult. For plastics have properties
similar. When recycled many times, the quality will gradually decrease. Nevertheless, the
many, often with virgin materials or additives into the new material with old materials to make
the product quality improved
2. Some of recycled products with high production costs. The plants that produce recycled goods
must be recycled to eliminate contaminants out. Whether contaminated soil Impurities,
etc. The material is extracted with various colors
of paper. The chemicals used to bleach paper white. The combination of new materials to increase
quality. What makes these factories. A manufacturing process more cumbersome. At the
same time, some increase in machinery and equipment. As a result, the cost of manufacturing
, recycling increased by
3. Public perception of the people who use recycled products, recyclable products from some
of the interviews showed that the attitude is not good for the quality of recycled products. The appearance
of durable goods and more.
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