When capital can flows freely. Make surely seek the opportunity to maximize profit, moving factory to poor countries, which cost low, the unemployment rate is high. And no enforcement of labor law seriously.Many MNCs
.And also means sloppy in profit maximization from art poor country is the poor countries. Give the direction of the economy to foreign capital. The government tried to attract foreign investments with a careless way as well.Compete to reduce wages without attentive the welfare of the workers. Compete to reduce taxes to trying to sell the right. The measures to reduce the production cost MNCs hoping to convince foreign investors to invest in one MNCs can produce "threat."(credible threat) guard who did not receive the attention from the government. Or when the waste due to its "threatened" (and practical). To move to countries with lower capital cost, the benefits.Easily, because almost all countries are willing to open the door to welcome foreign capital actively
.In another way. The global economy has the unity, the workers, especially unskilled labor. Not only have to compete for jobs in the domestic labor market friendlyWith this "threat" of workers in a way that increase the benefits for themselves, such as, ขึ้นค่าจ้าง labor. Or set union welfare claims increase therefore useless. Because employers (MNCs).Because the labour force reserve queue up at work a lot. Which includes workers in poor countries other countries too.
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