Using conventional rifle size. 22 "any kind of any brand. The center opened, the tray in use (Pan end adapted not)
do not use any other equipment gravity gun. Do not decorate project guns to use standard factory weight not exceeding 3 kg
.Banning the use of devices to help shoot of all kinds, such as shooting, shirts, jeans, shirts, gloves, shoes, pillows, sling, banned covering the joint, etc., except in the sitting position shot. Forced to use a pillow in the match rifles international system, according to the rules of the International Shooting Union I.S.S.F.
.Don't lean on, don't lean or any part of the gun was the floor. During the shoot, or buildings surrounding record
to wear only the short sleeves. A T-shirt or shirt.
the shot record results in the 50 m
.Use target ISU, the 7 sheets (target shooting short 25 m)
fire test center at the free 5 match takes 5 minutes (the target 1 sheet)
shot record 3 posture. The 30 appointment, as follows: (do not cross the stage!)
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