the profession of English major. Contact the team
to ask everyone letters / Arts / Humanities, English major, time เรียนจบแล้ว do some
.Seeing is normal, will say interpreter, writer, teacher, or what use English
.It is the present demand translation career. A lot?? what to be when the graduate to do is walk for? How (get yourself or get a job and employer to trust me? ").
the interpreter is a translator, this more demands or space to work less
.Teachers in the past would be yes, but now see rules. Talk too much force, than to be a teacher. The child over current. He also was going out?
what use English to answer all this. Really, it can answer with every faculty?
.Want to ask the opinion, experience from all (if majored in English are very good, sir.) what?
.Is asking here means the end with a mean? A way among the major (if a good bit, I wouldn't have to ask you. That he chose it, or at least will get a job easily)
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