It's a major issue for all Apple products, but the iPhone is no exception. THE latest model, the iPhone X, retails for as much as $1,149.00 without a contract. It costs nearly as much as a high-performance laptop!<br><br>People always hope for an affordable version, but that's not in the plans. It is a against their brand. Part of the appeal of an iPhone is how luxurious It feels to open the box and own one for yourself. Lowering the price would rip that image to shreds.<br><br>Even, the battery isn't removable. This means if there's an issue with the phone, you have to send it back to Headquarters for fixing, although if all it needs is a quick battery swap. Although This is becoming common for non-iPhones, users till see it as a massive con.<br><br>Additionally, in a "courageous" move (the company's words), they removed the headphone jack from the iPhone 7 and up. If you'd to listen to music, you have to either buy their Air Pods (Bluetooth headset) or a dongle. The dongle is just an additional connector between the iPhone to the headset. This move sent users in a frenzy and definitely with a few changing their mind about getting the iPhone 7 back when it hit the shelves.
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