I love the A total of 2569 teachers from 127 Norwegian elementary and
middle schools (1ste10th grades) participated in this study.
Norway. Was divided into five geographical regions. From each
region about 25 schools were drawn from, one city two towns and
two. Rural areas by a stratified random procedure. The first contact
with each school was made with the, school principal and. The only
.Question put to the principal was whether he or she would agree to
let data be collected at the school. Only two schools. Had to be
replaced by other schools from the same region because of the
principals not agreeing to the data, collection. The next step was to
contact the teachers' representative at each school. The teachers'
representative informed the teachers. About the, data collectionThat
the purpose of the study was to explore working conditions for the
teachers and that, the participation was anonymous. And voluntary
for the individual teachers. At, that point the decision to participate
was made by the teaching staff at. Each school. The teachers'
representative also arranged for a specific period of time (60 min)
.To be set aside for teachers to simultaneously respond to the
questionnaire. The data collection was administered in FebruaryeMarch
of 2010 by. Two trained research assistants visiting the translation
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