Disgrace to good tantayaporn (Globalization), regardless of whether it is a business that is related to international trade or domestic trade. All are under the dominance of Globalization, it must understand that what is a disgrace to good tantayaporn and true self role, which are embedded within it will be, however, that the details are following yo. Globalization involvesCapital costs the global economy must be based on capitalism (Capitalism) under race-style liberalism (Liberalism) which is how the economy of the Western world with content focusing on free trade, and capital accumulation by it will be open to international trade, a trade that is borderless, but under the FTA. The advantage of multinational companies would be more than it is a liberal that inequality will have to move to different countries of the world, conditions and benefits, maximum profit.Dominance through information-news (Dominant) and the information technology revolution provides links to communicate with each other quickly. The world is filled with information, news, and often as a single Division, news from the West or from countries which have economic and military powers over the dominance and create news flow that is beneficial to the West's political and economic domination is a news and culture which affect the faith of humanity in order to tongboriphok news, product and service consumption culture of the West, it is valid.Values (Value) disgrace to good tantayaporn Have created goodwill through news information, divided into 3 styles? Political values All countries in the world want democracy as a Western country. If there must be a politics in the same way, otherwise it would be economic sanctions or military force used to liberate as a democracy. Regardless of the availability of domestic life, or those in the democratic system. When it was over the dominance through news information from the Western world, it would make people have a core value to select a leader that has the concept of a free trade zone or a Western economy capitalists into a Government in which it would have been resolved in a manner acceptable to. The law to enable multinational companies to be able to compete with local businesses, which are onaekwa, which effect will have to rely on the Western world.ค่านิยมทางเศรษฐกิจ โลกจะมีการซื้อขายแลกเปลี่ยนสินค้าและบริการ มีการแบ่งงานกันทำ (Division of Labour) โดยถือหลักการว่าที่ไหนถูกก็ผลิตหรือซื้อที่นั่น โดยต่างฝ่ายจะใช้มาตรการทางภาษีให้มีน้อยที่สุด โดยโลกตะวันตกก็จะมีการปกป้องธุรกิจที่ไม่สามารถแข่งขันกันได้ในรูปแบบของการกีดกันทางการค้า ในแบบที่เรียกว่า NTB (Non Tariff Barrier) การค้าของโลกจะตกอยู่ภายใต้กติกา WTO (World Trade Organization) ที่โลกตะวันตกไม่กี่ประเทศเป็นผู้บงการ และข้อตกลงในลักษณะที่เป็นทวิภาคี ได้แก่ ที่มาในรูปแบบของ FTA ซึ่งหาก WTO ไม่สามารถเอื้อประโยชน์ก็จะมีการทำข้อตกลงความร่วมมือในระดับภูมิภาค เช่น ASEAN , NAFTA , APEC เป็นต้น ต้องเข้าใจว่าการค้าเสรีของ Globalization นั้นเป็นความเสรีบนความไม่เท่าเทียมกัน จึงไม่ใช่ความยุติธรรมทางการค้าThe social values, culture, social dominance through news information. Make the world's trade is concerned with human rights. (Human Right) to consumerism (Consumerism) is a popular object (Materialism) as well as environmental protection (Environment), which is the only sustainable development is no longer available, but the Western world with.Goodwill trade protection (Protectinism) and disgrace to good trade tantayaporn. To do with trade protectionism in the form of a copyright, the copyright owner, most of which would come from the Western world, which will use copyright as a tool to protect your goods and services. In addition to financial measures through various funds, such as IMF, ADB Bank, which often have conditions that are beneficial to the multinational business, it is considered to be part of the protection as well as measures that prevent terrorists of Terrorism are in the stream of disgrace to good tantayaporn as well.
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