People are equal under the law An important principle of Roman law is the importance of human rights. Everyone will get equal equality under the law, there is no torture, confessed to the accused as well as the accused is considered innocent as long as it has not tested. Wrong. Even slaves were protected by law, the characteristics of slavery. The slave has the right to claim compensation in case that did not receive justice from the boss. The law effectively and with the Roman system, these become templates for various countries laws. Legal equality means equal rights under the law the same. Means, including legal processes that affect the public as a whole, since the issuance of the law must be equally beneficial to the people. Law enforcement and trial must always be equal to the sector towards all people. To be protected by law, including equal protection of the law in order to create equal opportunities. The principle of equality considerations to determine whether a person is treating identical or different from another person?, "saramuean of operating different mobile dune bathe Sara is different", that is, the need to consider the people that will be compared with all the rights and freedoms in the Universal Declaration. Regardless of any differences in race, sex, language, religion, political or other opinions, origin, marital status, national or social origin, property or other rights of the civil and political rights have been adopted in the standard 3 to 21 of the Universal Declaration, such as the hotel certificate.1. everyone has the right to live with liberty and security safe. There is freedom from slavery or be slaves to freedom from torture or cruel punishment was. The right to be recognized as a person under the law receive equal protection under the law is freedom from being arrested or exiled by force, detained. Have the right to move to. The right to nationality, as well as the right to marry and have a family section article 22 to 27, etc., discussed the social and economic rights, cultural rights, for example, have to be subject to social insurance. The right to work. The right to free time and leisure The right to a standard of living, high enough to provide health and well-being. The right to receive an education and to participate in the cultural life of the community article 28 to 30 to discuss the guarantees that everyone has the right to have peace in the midst of khi vi is already of international society, and at the same time, and have emphasized that all have the duty and the.Responsible for the community by the General Assembly of the United Nations declared the Universal Declaration of human rights, this is a common standard in all Nations must follow, and urged Member States of the United Nations to help each other promote respect for rights and freedoms, in accordance with the certificate appears in the Universal Declaration by evacuation generally focus on the subject of human rights, this. The General Assembly of the United Nations and therefore decide when the December 4 1950, the December 10 every year as the day of human rights around the world.
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