We only talk first time yestetday. I think you send me message to me but you mean to send it to other guy. ขอโทษ ถ้าคุณไม่พอใจ ให้คาดคะเนว่าฉันอายุเท่าไหร คุณดูถูกฉัน you use application for picture?
We only talk first time yestetday.I think you send me message to me but you mean to send it to other guy. I apologize if you are not satisfied.As I age, prognosis Hai lookinYou insult me.you use application for picture?
First time we only talk Yestetday. I Think You Send me message to me but Mean to You Send it to Other Guy. I'm sorry if you do not make predictions that old jar as you insult me, you use application for picture?
We only talk first time yestetday. I think you send me message to me but you mean to send it to other guy. sorry. If you are not satisfied to supposedly I how old you insult me