3 do not have to define and enforce password policies.From the review to define and enforce password policies for OS HP-UX GFUX125 GFUX102 hosting machine and found that at present do not have to define and enforce password policies to control security and user account logon attempts as well as work performed by non-authorized users by guessing the password of a user account that has no password available with sufficient complexity, high non-defining and enforce password policies pose a risk to the security of information technology, for example, users might not be able to perform.The password is complex enough, and change your password regularly. To prevent guessing passwords from malicious users or intruders system. Should be set and enforce password policies to prevent risks to the information technology security by implementing password policy should include the following policy.• The length of the password: 6-8. The letters• Lifetime password: 60-90 days.• Lifetime minimum password: 1 Day• To prevent duplicate password usage: 8-12. Times.• To access the password if the password is not valid: 3-5. Times. 4 are allowed to log on using a user account directly to the Root.To review the configuration of secure channel to log on by using an account Root file/etc/securetty information and history of the user account from the Last command that is allowed to use the Root user account to gain access to the operating system directly. Medium to allow access to the operating system by using the Root user account directly through Telnet, for example, pose a risk to the security of the information, such as passwords, are capturing because the communication channel is encrypted, including the administrator of security products.Fewer can check back if any admin officer as a Root user account should be carried out to define the channel security for the Root user account by using a secure Protocol, as well as forcing users to authenticate a user before and regular action to change the Root user permissions by using the Switch user (SU) in order to retain the ability to check back if any worker representative as the user Root account during those times.There are 5 user accounts that are not being used, the operating system is on hold.From the user accounts list to review the work on the HP-UX operating system, found that there is a user account that does not have the remain active on the system.GFUX102 user account that does not have an active user account on hold 18.GFUX125 user account that does not have an active user account on hold 12.See more details in Appendix 1. intermediate accounting users who do not have the remain active on the system, causing a risk of intrusion system. Based on the user account because there is no responsible and difficult to verify should be to review the list of user accounts on the Windows operating system on a regular basis. By and suspend or cancel user accounts that are not being used. 6 use a shared account in the group who developed the system.From the review list of operating system user account, HP-UX, GFUX125 and GFUX102 found that the host is using a shared account in the group who developed the system (KCSUSR01), moderate use of shared accounts pose risk to the effectiveness of the monitoring system because it cannot be verified, return it in case of malfunction occurred due to the user account that is shared. The user account should be given of the individual officers clearly. In order to determine the responsibility for the use of personal user account and cancel the central user account sharing. There are 7 legal services network that has security risk.From a review of network services enabled on the machine hosting GFUX102 and GFUX125 found that the service is being used on a network that has a security risk because it is not encoded as follows:• Telnet• Ftp• Moderate Tftp service on a network that does not have encryption, pose a risk to the security of information technology, for example, has been capturing and stealing passwords should have to suspend services on a network that has a security risk by using the network services that are Secure, encrypted FTP Secure Shell and as a substitute.In case of need to use the task should suspend service on a network that has a security risk through the public network. Technical control – Oracle database management system.8 there is no enforcing password policies and password has not been changed, that is the default password on the system installation.From the review to define and enforce password policies database management system Oracle found that currently do not have to define and enforce password policies to control security and user accounts. In addition, the review of available user account password that is installed with database management systems. I found that there are a number of user accounts, user accounts, 5 that is installed with database management system does not have to change their password from the default values. In the following ways:• SYS• SYSTEM• OUTLN• DBSNMP• Highest non-PERFSTAT define and enforce password policies pose a risk to the security of information technology, for example, the user may not assign a password with sufficient complexity and change your password regularly. To prevent guessing passwords from malicious users or intruders system.In addition, the password for the user account that installed with the database management system is a password that is known to be common. To keep the password installed with the system, causing a risk of access to the user account, group by not allowed. Should be set and enforce password policies to prevent risks to the information technology security by implementing password policy should include the following policy.• The length of the password: 6-8.
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