Those who understand the other is omniscient. Those who understand themselves is divinely
the victory to the other person is mighty. The victory over self is the strong
who often is rich Who was who hope to
.Those in an appropriate state their will live longer
although shall be deceased. But the virtues remain forever "
(Tao Te Ching Chapter 3 3)
.When we mentioned the idea of about the change, it's important to keep in mind always. The changes that this is caused by the external driving force If the trend is the inside of everything all events and movements.The possibility of the rules of action. And since the action of human beings. To simulate it by way of Taoism and Confucianism, the possibility of it, so it should be an important characteristic of action of all mankind for the Tao.It means confidence on the wisdom of people. The content of human. As well as the rules of changes to the content of the things around us!The doctrine of Confucianism on the functions of society, family, the rule of the parents. Than to say to people with nature deeply.Confucianism the moral image clear and tangible. Used more than a concrete concept Tao said is The concept of Confucius can bring the Yuka Phong use and life directly without interpretation.Inherent, does not talk much, do not appear as Confucius. But Tao work in the heart of man quietly. But if reversed, if the Tao without Confucius. Tao was overlooked and tedious. The value that it is abstract, off the charts.Confucius is the emphasis on social organization, the morals of the parents, and the traditional attitude more dice. The Tao that emphasize the profound philosophyIn the main thought of Confucius in solving the problem of human society at all levels. (the politics to the family). The top priority for the customary rules classy hold together.Not in passionate attachment position. So humans will reach the Tao by way of trying to interest in nature. Osseous callus mental without passion. Create a psychic to resist what provoked outside and peace from all emotions
.On the idea of me. The way of the Tao and Confucianism is not only the importance of training and casting internal mind. If you see the importance in building the regulation of the relationship of mankind.The relationship of mankind society is harmonious and stable as well as the sky, people and nature, the only one. But as the need to understand the life of human society.Each time he won the Nobel Prize. From around the world together in Paris and the statement that if mankind is to maintain life in the 21. Need to back, turn 2500 years to absorb the wisdom. Both Confucius and Taoism itself is a great heritage of culture in Asia. This culture is the foremost base which makes the civilization of Asia prosperous
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