ครูเขียนตาราง KWL บนกระดานและให้นักเรียนตอบคำถาม What do you know about ice cream with crickets? ครูเขียนคำตอบที่นักเรียนบอกลงในตารางช่อง Know ตัวอย่างเช่น
The teacher writes on the Board and have the KWL table, the students answer the questions What do you know about ice cream with crickets? "the teacher wrote the answers that students told to Know, for example, channels.
Teacher wrote on the board KWL table and ask questions What do you know about ice cream with crickets? Teachers tell students to write answers to the grid slots Know example.
The teacher writes on the board and table KWL students to answer the What do you know about ice cream with crickets? I write the answer นักเรียนบอก into the grid channel. Know, for example.