4.3 agenda matters reviewed selected rental machinery equipment by project update.Efficiency and expand production capacity 5 DPO operates dairy factory.(Short term 1-year plan).1. the original story.1.1 the Committee. DPO meeting 4th February 29 2555/2555 (2012) when.Consider requesting a plan update Nom DPO products factory (one-year short-term plan) then there votes.1) agreed plans to improve dairy products factory DPO by improvement and expansion. ''Dairy products factory capacity designed according to the DPO 5 4.1 offers and notice of Directors to.Revision.1.1 the Committee. DPONotice of revision to the Committee.2) approved to perform the proposal deals with tenancy by 4.2 special announcement and invitation companies.Involved no less than 3. Company quote3. Approves the lease by TOR) does not exceed 9,000,000.00 THB/month.4. modification of the machine) when a new plan this time machine updates completed to sell machines.The original ASAP.5 DPO proposed Committee), milk and dairy products (Milk Board) program supplements. (Milk) 3 year out how schools, co-operative dairy farmer organizations and the DPO have time to get into the community.The ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) (ASEAN Economic.6. the draft contract hire) tools and chakra, the Office of Attorney General checks on 4.5.7) mandate, Director of the DPO is to approve the contract is signed and carried out according to the regulation. DPO about ware8) agreed to appoint a Committee to arrange the rental of special methods as proposed by the DPO in 4.4.9.) if there were changes to the DPO machine contains milk, which previously performed operations.The original machinery and see an immediate anam flows1.2 out how operation subject to Board of Directors DPO mentioned above is already achieved.According to the Board of Directors of the objective. A. Aug. 6 with the command/2555 (2012) down April 10 2555 dress up.The Committee held a special "by way of rental projects, improve and expand the production capacity of the factory.Product.5 DPO operates milk. "2. the facts 2.1 the Committee arranged to rent the extra step of implementing regulations on the DPO.To 2541 (1998) and parcel editing until the conclusion of the results of additional consideration because machinery equipment rental.Decision meeting memo message 4.3 is out from the facts. By the fall "(does not include tax.Value added), so inform the DPO to present to Board of Directors. In a meeting at 6 DPO/2555 (2012) on 30. April meeting for resolution 2555 Board. DPO resolution as follows:1.) Note to lease machinery equipment examinations, factories, dairy improvement based DPO.Performance and capacity expansion of DPO 5 milk products, Attorney General, and DPO to notice.Of the Attorney General to proceed.2) approves the lease machinery equipment factories, dairy-based DPO performance improvement.And expanding dairy built according to no more than 5 DPO TOR 9000, 000.00 baht per month (does not include tax.Value added).3 DPO to carry out resolution) Committee. DPO/2555 (2012) time when February 29 2555 regulations.Agenda item 4.1 matters for approval a plan update Nom DPO products factory (short term 1-year plan).The other message,2.2 the Committee organized several companies invited chao to deliver the announcement quoted the number 7. But there is a prospective bid.Quote 2:1. Food pack co., Ltd.), TPN.2. Pacific Limited) company Agis Asis(More details appear as annex II).2.3 in May 3 2555 Committee has considered the technical proposal, chao and the proposal.The two companies, prices are as follows:Table ***Chao Committee consider the comparison. The offer price and the offer price and the company. Asia Pacific co., Ltd. is a specialized manufacturer of Agis offers lowest price by offering a price adjustment plan for dairy product factory. DPO by project streamline and expand capacity. Milk products factory 5 is money. 9,630,000.0.-baht/month (prices include 7% VAT) of the total rental fee is baht 808,920,000.0-7 the Board of.The Committee was negotiating prices, but the company Asia Pacific limited, Agis contend the company's original offer price of welcome.Supported by the list. Is as follows:1) up updates of Office Labs dialogs, DPO sector (milk factory pranburi) within the limit.True, but no more than 500,000.0-baht.2.), the company welcomed changes to the brand name, freezing in milk. From any Funke Gerber brand in Germany.As Advance American brands, which have a higher value, the amount is baht 300,000.0-3.), the company is willing to supply support to the auditor within the factory electrical system for power quality measurement.And to propose guidelines to make DPO adjustment in cases where issues that may affect the installation of the machinery.The new value of 150,000.0-baht.4. put the milk tank) 10 tons, for use as Tank Balance towards integration with the device of Thermize.The task is worth THB-pranburi 100,000.0-dairy.5. a training course), maintenance of machinery for the Manager and Chief technician, related to.Machinery. The amount does not exceed a value of baht 10.-150,000.0.3. considerationsThe Committee held a special way by the rentals Considers desirable to arrange for rental machinery and equipment according to the project.Improve efficiency and expand production capacity Dairy products factory built by a DPO 5Silver 9,630,000.0-baht/month (prices include 7% VAT) of the total rental price includes seven years as 808,920,000.Value added tax (VAT) of 7% from Asia Pacific limited company Agis.
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