Membership of ASEAN.Myanmar joined the ASEAN membership. When July 23, 1997 with Laos amid some criticism from the Government of the country in the Western Hemisphere, which at that time, Myanmar still has political problems and abuses are high. By 2533 (1990) Myanmar Government has arranged the election which opposition parties led by Mrs. Ongsansuchi. To win the election, but 80% of thon, flood, the military Government of Myanmar, under the leadership of the General Assembly, on behalf of the mong software "refreshes the State regulation" or "sonok" (The State Law and Order Council SLORC; Pestoration) Do not accept the election results make people resist and riot happens to call for democracy. The military Government's crackdown on protesters, thousands of people died in the violence and still detained Aung San Suu Kyi in the House and the Government of Myanmar people, oppressive freedom devoid of this event is that the interest of the Burmese military Government around the world, and has been condemned by the United Nations team.Various human rights groups, so when it's time to join the ASEAN member Myanmar. So many western superpowers such as the United Australia party British and EU. Opposition to join the membership of Myanmar, expressed the opinion that "the ASEAN should not accept Burma as a member until the political situation and human rights violations in Myanmar are better" [4] However, ASEAN continues to insist that Myanmar will accept during the period defined. The country has an important support for the Javelin Myanmar into ASEAN membership. Malaysia's former Prime Minister in the reign of thia and Indonesia. The ex-President So hard! An important reason that ASEAN member countries are cited in support of Burma's ASEAN membership is. 1 geographical factors) and solidarity of ASEAN countries. Because Myanmar is located in South-East Asia, as well as the ASEAN members should therefore received. This will result in a larger ASEAN Association and bargaining power and influence in the international political and economic arena, more. It is also to send a signal to the international community that ASEAN member countries are as stable as an independent. With its own sovereignty and not under the guidance of a group opposing superpowers in the West. 2) strategic factors of ASEAN Getting Myanmar into ASEAN membership supports ASEAN's strategic reason that anxiety to spread influence in areas of China that have increased in the ASEAN region. In Myanmar and China have 2531 (1988) the relationship between the economy and politics of. Because Myanmar was cut off from international assistance. As a result, Myanmar wants assistance from China and reliance on China to fully since then. Acquaintance between Myanmar and China have caused concern to the ASEAN. Because Member countries Brunei, Malaysia, the Philippines, and several countries have issues with China in case of claim the Spratlys. Getting Burma into the Association of Southeast Asian Nations, it can be considered as helping to reduce our dependence on China and Burma have reduced China's influence in Myanmar (Burma) to our customers. 3) to encourage change in Burma to Myanmar, an ASEAN member, which are regarded as a reputable organization with the image and accept the international community's respect. The framework of ASEAN will result, Myanmar Myanmar's policy and to comply with the policy. Practices and customs, values of the ASEAN Association itself [5] On the other hand, If you look in the perspective of ASEAN membership on Myanmar. Will find that there are many factors that pushed Myanmar to join the ASEAN members. Myanmar is looking to build a relationship that is good for countries in the region and has been accepted by the people of Myanmar's military Government, domestic (SLORC) to reduce the popularity of Aung San Suu Kyi and the National League for Democracy Party (NLD) in addition, Myanmar also worried about.Baphai threatening the country's economic growth, which India has to invest in Myanmar and China who have more role in Myanmar until Myanmar cannot control China is no longer valid because the area east of the River to all nakueap from one-under the influence.China also said that as the minority areas, the military Government of Myanmar did not. Keynote is the area of China to occupy it as a gateway to Southeast Asia, Myanmar, Chinese influence here would make Myanmar must turn to shake hands with ASEAN and that ASEAN is in talks with China. Moreover, in relation to the ASEAN organization under the policy "do not interfere in internal affairs" as a reason to motivate, Myanmar launched into a relationship with ASEAN is more...... Read more at:
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