On 24 June.In 2475 the change of major Thai history a revolution the regime by a group of people who called themselves, "The mission of the people" which consists of two Group is a group of Thai students abroadClose to the regime of constitutional monarchy is the idea that they should participate in the Government of the country to secure the Authority of Thailand, there was once, and in the act.dead.130 did not succeed, so the mission of the people, it is a good plan and urged him to join the military has weapons, so it makes a successful executives in consent to seize power of the people could not refute
The cause of the coup there are many reasons why First Cause: King Rama VII. had established the Supreme Council of the Federation of which all members are members of the Royalthe King and the Royal Family the big difference between the idea of the big and small of more than a minor difference, so, offer some of the restraint, The mission of the people thought that they had lost power due to the second:by the abolition of the balance of Government agencies are truncated costs of the Ministry of Defense and the Department of taxes on some of the most important reason is that increased delays in the administration of the State affairs King Rama VII.Parliamentary counsel meeting to prepare for the Royal Constitution can do it. And don't have much effect of the king's eleventh commandment which will serve as the basis of the municipal self-government, it has not been declared out of use, and finally,He was cunning, it is finished, it is not the king of the people and of the
The revolutionary regime did have success King Rama VII. gave the constitution to the public events that have made the kingdom of Siam, change the format of the absolute monarchical system.and change the format to a democratic regime, the Parliament, and the Siamese people have been Constitution
first.at present Thailand remains of democracy, but also as a democracy that is not in accordance with the principles of a coup coup is the mission of the government and the provisions of their own people do not have the right of freedom of speech as it should be is a
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