The Nanking massacre, or the rape Nanjing is another important event in the history was written in terms of cruelty and contrition to wither. This event occurs before the World War 2 was for a long time. Japan wants to expand the influence and create a great stay ruanradi machine has made the Chinese invasion. Gradually invade the city access to Nanking until December 13 in 1937, and then arrested the soldiers and the people as captives, but when the number of captives is greater than the number of soldiers, Japan. How to reduce the number of captives as soon as possible, that is, "to kill," he said. Japan military to kill captive chaochin violent brutal ways, for example, is embedded with oil set. Use the gun to strafe shot Women, whether small children. Local people. Jesse was raped before being killed, tortured and pathetic even as daytime broad said that this event is more than three hundred victims list at once.
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