Is one of the most beautiful place of Africa and is one of the world's most unusual waterfall. It was built by the river Zambezi. Address, plummets down narrow 100 meters deep abyss at the same time, Victoria.Roar, it can hear from 40 kilometers away, while the spray and fog from the waters, decreased, increased to 400 meters. Can be seen from the 50 kilometers even rainbows are incredible. Here - they are. "The moon.":Produced by the light reflected from the surface of the moon,
waterfall was discovered in the year 1855 by David, of stone, winkThe doctor and the British missionary named to honor Queen Victoria. People called suspicious nature. "Mosi - OA - Tunya" ("smoke, which the thunder."), and he was afraid to get close to it.Wink tone of Europe for the first time, that can cross the dark continent, both from the south to the north, travelling, his, aimed at the application of Christianity. Go to Africa with 300 warriors from one of the tribes, but only two of them dare toThe waterfall
but tourists are not happy, too much about his discovery for of wink stone, wall of water is the only obstacles. That prevents the Christian tribes from access in the depths of the continent
.A long time, waterfall, remains practically no one until the construction of the railroad in 1905.At present, this place was named UNESCO World Heritage. People both from Zambia and Zimbabwe. SIM bubble have lost their fear. "The smoke. The thunder. "And they have developed, business, tourism, both sides of the river.
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