Treatment guidelines. Stomach cancer is divided into two methods that must be executed in parallel is strictly. 1. action to eliminate the cause of the disease. -Eat, as from time to time. Do not leave an empty stomach -Spicy sour organized fasting -Abstain from drinking alcoholic beverages -Abstain from drinking tea and coffee. -Abstain from smoking. -Rest enough. Reduce stress Not edgy anger easily. -Not to use the drug that affects the stomach. 2. treatment with the drug. The drug used in the treatment groups, but it is important to use drugs is to eat constantly, drugs. Number and a specific period of time. Generally, it takes approximately 4-6 weeks, the wound will be lost. After one term to pill, even though the symptoms are better, they do not stop the drug must eat until later on to make sure that the wound and do not come back as repeat.In addition, due after the finish, should behave in order to avoid causing a disease strictly. Otherwise, it is atklap.Drug treatment of gastritis
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