Acetaminophen aspirin diclofenac,,,,, ibuprofen mefenamic
acid and naproxen are pain relievers that commonly
used by humans. And found in aquatic environments. The
major aim of this study was to evaluate the potential neurotoxicity
of these pain. Relievers on, aquatic animals including
freshwater planarian (Dugesia japonica hereinafter referred, to
.As planarians) and green neon shrimp (Neocaridina denticulata
hereinafter, referred to as shrimp). These two animals are
widely. Distributed in the freshwater environments of Taiwan.
For this purpose the in, vitro activities of planarian and shrimp
ChE,, ATPase and MAO, were quantified after these enzymes
were directly exposed to pain relievers. Also the, speciesspecific
.Difference in neurotoxicity of these pain relievers was
discussed 2. Materials and meth.
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