3.Men are thinking skills analysis better than women in the area is the thinking man's thinking analysis more than women so that they can find a way to solve the problem and a plan or system, it is very easy.She will not be able to understand what the map, or for women, it has become a complex paper prepared for the leave to the trash for her
4.Man has the skills to drive a car with one reason for women's better than Article 3 is the brain area in the men are thought to analyze more than they can drive fast and when they saw a car ran away from their car in the distance.Many of the women will be able to analyze it, but even that takes a long time, more than men, and noticed that the man was not able to do with the activities of any simultaneously. Men do not like most music on while driving.
5. The male lies not smooth as much as women when a man must lie in women as they are often being face to face with ease because the brain is to analyze the expression of a woman's face, 70 percent, 20 percent, language,The words that came out, he said, only 10 percent, so men should not getting women lie because they have the ability to catch and can be more than you have a lot with smooth lie.
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