A Cook1 dried chili pepper beads 9.2. shrimp paste 1 spoon3. salt a little4. white onion5. aware of the importance of khrai6. spice7. curry powder8. vegetables, herbs, such as basil, for example khajit, Monday, the parsley, the strong will nail it. Etc.9. chicken, 1;10. vegetable oil1. do the preparation. Vegetables and chili sauce together before. Bring seasoning, roasted, then put down in detail at all.2. when roasted chili paste chili sauce has been successfully brought into roasted, aromatic.3. put the chicken meat, roasted chicken, then cooked enough about it.4. put the curry powder into it and stir.5. fill the water go down a little, and then close the lid on the dude for a moment, about 3-5 minutes for chicken, cooked.6. when opening the lid off, put the vegetables into it.
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