The history origin of this project. Start tonphraong people lived at Wang Klai, and then there are the villagers bring the potato to the time he would like to return to Bangkok to order officers to bring them potato head placed on the scales in the work room, and then return to Bangkok at advance in months when he came back, Madoka.It was found that the potato shape wahin have broken leaf crook said, "it is anywhere." so it has the initiative, supply of land for agricultural projects, 1976 it was bought of land, number 2551 120 acres, and later in the year 2552, hairstyles, purchase additional adjacent land at ban Nong chicken necks, Tambon WA ...Piggy in an episode of Throwdown! The number of 250 acres to develop a Center for collecting different kinds of economic plants. To guide farmers, especially in areas with district relatively dry potato varieties, which sprout Royal coming out of the head it onto a scale, display in the room for the work at the Klai, brought Wang planted the land conversion project named as "project head scales it by."
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